
Studio Classes

Restorative Yoga

A passive practice where you allow yourself to completely soften into the props (blankets, bolster cushions, bricks and blocks) beneath you. Feel free to bring your own extra props (any extra blanket or an eye pillow). I provide a warm, safe and quiet space for you to take time away from the rush and chaos of everyday life and tap into your breath. Together, we practice pranayama (breathing techniques) to take away with you off the mat.

Hot Yoga

Suitable for all abilities with a basic knowledge of yoga poses. Practiced in a room around 30-32 degrees celsius heated by Infrared heat, creating a 'crisp heat' mimicking the feeling of being in a hot country on holiday. There are so many benefits of the heat, for example allowing your muscles to warm up quicker and help increase flexibility.

Vinyasa Flow

Suitable for all abilities with a basic knowledge of yoga poses. This practice allows you to explore movement in harmony with your breath, flowing like a wave from one pose to the next.

Beginners Yoga

Suitable for all yogis! No need to feel conscious or out of your depth as there's no better place to start than in a beginners yoga class. I provide a safe space to be, allowing you to build your practice from the ground up and explore postures, experience inner calm and develop mobility at your own pace.